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Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao

Universities dual-degree program: Mainland China-8, Hong Kong-1

Country/ Area




Hong Kong

香港科技大學/Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology

Dual-Bachelor Degree

Only for collaborative departments between two universities, please refer to webpage for details.

Mainland China

北京清華大學/Tsinghua University

Dual-Master Degree

Only for students from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan

Mainland China

北京清華大學/Tsinghua University

Dual-PhD degree

  1. Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Bejing TsingHug University
  2. Only for students from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan.

Mainland China

南開大學/Nankai University Dual-Master Degree Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Nankai University

Mainland China

哈爾濱工程大學/Harbin Engineering University

Dual-Master Degree

Need to pay tuition fee to both Universities

Mainland China

哈爾濱工業大學/Harbin Institute of Technology

Dual-Master Degree

Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Harbin Institute of Technology.

Mainland China

天津大學/Tianjin University Dual-Master Degree Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Tianjin University.

Mainland China

山東大學/Shandong University

Dual-Master Degree

Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Shangdong University.

Mainland China

南京大學/Nanjing University Dual-Master Degree Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Nanjing University.

Mainland China

北京大學/Peking University


Need to have faculty agreement first before sending out students to Peking University.



College/department dual-degree program: Hong Kong-1

Country/ Area




Hong Kong

香港城市大學/City University of Hong Kong

Dual-PhD Degree

Only for students from College of Nuclear Science in NTHU




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